Another great Model S tear down from Munro Live~

February 7, 2021
Another great Model S tear down from Munro Live~
The video shows the extensive application of Aluminum processing method and grades in Tesla EV structures. Tesla has really taken all the Aluminum manufacturing methods and applied to it's design and the whole car basically is aluminum. The rear cradle consists of sand casting, forging, Die-Casting, extrusion and this cradle design in my opinion is the greatest design. This type of design can be seen in Yamaha Tmax which we have covered previously. The Engine is boxed with R/L frames which gives a super rigid structure. This rear cradle houses the motors and on the top is boxed with aluminum Die-Casting frame to provide complete box to prevent tortion. Like in the video says there is no any car company has this kind of culture to create something like this! This is a truely SYMPHONY!
If interested please take some time to see the video below.